Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"I've stopped going out now, I've got my own apartment in London. And I'm more interested in mopping the floor than going out at the moment. I'm trying to be a homemaker... for myself"
[British songstress, Adele, on being compared to Amy Winehouse]

"Kalau kamu nak tau kalau girlfriend kamu sekarang boleh dibuat isteri, cuba bayangkan dia tengah berak.. bayangkan sekarang.. OK? Kalau OK, OKlah!"
[SPM History teacher, Ramachendra Govindasamy, KYS]


Duchess Doro said...

oh my lordy! bayangkan tengah BERAK??????? So, kalau boleh bayangkan, sweet habis la? Together forever la maksudnya???

word verification (hoho sorry yaya, this just looked like fun): scence

aLz said...

ur KIDDING rite? (referring to 2nd quote)

Anonymous said...

shit, i remember rama saying that in class. i wonder if he followed his own advise tho. by the looks of it, highly unlikely

Najmuddin Mohd Aminuddin said...

neighbour: try ask afir if it's legit

al: guess my teacher wasnt kidding?

redzuan: bini dia hot doh! cepat balik aku ada idea mantap.

kokokranc said...

shit bini rama hot?


muhammad ibnu hamid said...

word verification: ineruns

Najmuddin Mohd Aminuddin said...

ROPI! aku kat msia, intern kat klcc, tapi tak selalu ponteng mcm kau hari tu la haha. calling calling! lama tak jumpa.

Hugs, Kisses & Candy Like Wishes! said...

yamud...En. Rama you to weird gile larr...I hope my future bf tak imagine I berak..and I definately tak nak imagine anyone berak...hell noooo! -Linny-